EFT Tapping - Emotional Freedom Technique

The EFT session with Sat Darshan helped me through a really challenging point in my life - a deep dive into the most painful parts of my heart and my core trauma... I’m so grateful! Sat Darshan’s pure energy and presence, clear guidance, and ability to hold a safe space are unique, delicate, and deep, allowing one to open up safely even in the most painful turmoils of life - helping to let go of the old and return to inner peace, trust, love, and joy.
— Aradhana

tap your worries away?
seems simple, but that’s what eft helps you to do.

EFT involves tapping on meridian points while experiencing negative emotions and thoughts, effectively turning off the "alarm" of the amygdala. This process releases pent-up emotions and induces deep relaxation of the nervous system.


Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Tapping is an effective form of psychological acupressure that involves tapping on specific meridian points on the body while focusing on a specific issue or emotion. The technique combines elements of cognitive therapy and exposure therapy with the physical benefits of acupressure. EFT reduces anxiety and promotes emotional and physical healing in a quick and efficient way by calming down the amygdala, the “alarm system” of the brain, and stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system.

There is a good amount of research done with EFT that suggests that EFT can help with many issues from stress, depression and physical pain to improving performance and even relieving PTSD symptoms.

Sat Darshan gives EFT sessions in English and in Finnish.


Sat Darshan focuses on supporting sensitive women to master their emotions, deepen into their heart and heal their wounds through compassion, so they can live a confident and loving life & relationships. She has a gift in creating safe space where people can open up and the capacity to deeply tune into each person, see into the root of things and intuitively find practices and viewpoints that help the person forward.
She has nearly two decades of experience dealing with limiting emotions and beliefs and how to shift them and heal them. As a yoga and meditation teacher she is used to facilitating deep transformations in her groups and one of the intuitive tools she has served individuals with has been coaching. Her formal Life Coach education (Relationship Coaching) and different healing trainings have activated and provided a bigger variety of methods and practices to be more effective with clients.