Kundalini Yoga Crash Course | Free with Jivan Mukta
Free Online Introduction Course the Know-How of Inner Power and Excellence
Free Online Introduction Course the Know-How of Inner Power and Excellence
This program will take your meditative capacity to the next level. For Aspiring Healers and Serious Meditation Enthusiasts alike. Taught by Jivan Mukta, PhD.
Whether you aspire to teach Kundalini Yoga or simply wish to deepen your personal practice and experience, this 10-month-long training promises to be life-changing.
This training offers empowerment, peace, and stronger nerves. You will learn to recognize and reduce unnecessary stress, achieving more harmony in life.
This space warmly welcomes students of all levels seeking to engage in Kundalini Yoga practice online with Jivan Mukta.
Es un viaje profundamente transformador y de autosanación, basado en la mente meditativa, la sabiduría sanadora del yoga y las estrategias modernas de la psicología profunda.
Para la Maestría Aquariana, Liderado por Jivan Mukta y acreditado por KRI, Kundalini Research Institute, EE.UU
Retiro guiado por Jivan Mukta donde se impartirán enseñanzas y prácticas de Kundalini Yoga y Sanación Meditativa para que cada persona se reencuentre con su ser, sus equilibrios sutiles, su fuerza vital y el poder auto-sanador que subyace en cada persona.
A relaxed mind, an intuitive mind, a disciplined mind is powerful and undefeatble! Learn the art of meditaion and harness the full potential of your mind. With Jivan Mukta, PhD
Immerse yourself in calming and restorative 1-hour online sessions of Shakti Flow & Sound Healing with Sat Darshan.