What is Kundalini Yoga?

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience”
— Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Grounded in the essence of human experience, Kundalini Yoga serves as a transformative practice that enhances spiritual awareness and unleashes innate human potential. This intricate system guides you on a journey toward self-mastery and liberation.

Kundalini Yoga offers a holistic approach to cultivating balance and vitality in life. By engaging the body, mind, and spirit, it triggers a cascade of effects that resonate through the nerves and glands, fostering unity, serenity, and purpose. This comprehensive practice encompasses physical postures, breathwork, mantras, meditation, and the wisdom of yogic lifestyle.

One of the remarkable aspects of Kundalini Yoga is its inclusivity—no initiation is necessary. The teachings, curated and transmitted by Harbhajan Singh Puri (Yogi Bhajan) since the late 1960s, draw from the perennial wisdom of India's yogic tradition, the wisdom of yogis, gurus, and seers.

Kundalini Yoga's impact goes far beyond the mat, nurturing happiness, empowerment, and resilience. Through regular practice, a harmonious integration of body, mind, and spirit emerges, guiding you toward a life that's deeply aligned and meaningful.


Kundalini Yoga is a blend of several yogic and energetic movements, as well as psycho-physical actions. It is based on intuitive sequences practiced in silence, with mantras and a meditative intent. As a system, the basic principles date back to when it was simply referred to as “Yoga”. This practice is based on a deep ancient teaching about body, mind, and soul designed to help awaken our creative expression and an authentic experience of our essence, energy and consciousness.
— Jivan Mukta, PhD.