Level 2 Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training
Vitality & Stress 

Tallinn, Estonia & Online
25-27 October & 22-24 November 2024

Do you know the optimal way to rejuvenate your mind, body and energy?

Are you aware of the subconscious tendencies that create stress in you and give you unnecessary pressure?

Do you know how to best recover from emotional fatigue and depression?


  • Strategies, tools, and dietary knowledge to help you master stress and increase vitality

  • More empowerment and peace

  • Stronger nerves

  • Learn to recognize and reduce unnecessary stress

  • Achieve more harmony in life

  • Identify and correct limitations in your vital forces, bringing peace of mind and inner abundance

  • Awaken your inner warrior

  • Learn to overcome challenges with more inner resources

  • Move in harmony with your destiny

  • Complete everyday tasks with more ease

The practices include Kundalini Yoga kriyas (physical yoga sets), pranayamas (breathing techniques) and meditations that help you to flow with life and increase your energy levels.


Whether your life is just always intense or you are going through a tough period in your life (or want to help others who are experiencing this), this training benefits those struggling with stress and vitality management, who are looking for ways to upgrade their nervous system and pranic body.

Vitality and Stress course is a Level Two Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training and thereby an opportunity for the Level One certified Kundalini Yoga Teachers to further advance their teaching skills.

This course is also open for yoga teachers from other traditions or dedicated Kundalini Yoga practitioners who would like to enhance their knowledge and yoga practice related to vitality and stress.