This is my attempt to change brain waves to lead to better brain health. It is based on the yogic technique known as Japa. This is what I have learned: Kundalini Yoga is a mantra-centric discipline. It is about the intermingling of frequencies of energy and profound states of awareness, whether you are moving through Kriyas or remaining still in meditation. Sound holds one of the keys to unlocking the path of self-mastery achieved in Yoga.
This album is a psycho-magnetic approach to what scholars call “religious experience”. One that leads to the mastery over and liberation of the ego-structure.
My Mind is Thine is one of the ways to understand yoga: Thine is the Creator of all beings. Ever-present. My Mind is a momentary vehicle of perception of realms of reality and the tool for mapping of the subjective human experience of creation.
My Mind is also a place of devotion that is in synergy and supported by the power of the heart. My Mind is an offering to Thine —Thine is the mystery and magics of all that exists.
In my experience, the energy and message that mantras carry is mysteriously divine. A divine who wants to be experienced and seen. Something that is and is not at the same time... Something we cannot explain, but only contemplate.
Kundalini Yoga, in this way, provides a grammar that can articulate answers for all inner and profound questions. For me Yoga is a science of religious experience, as much as religion experience is achieved through the science of Yoga.
The process that led to My Mind is Thine has been a learning experience that brought to light six mantras, plus the healing frequencies of the gong. Paradoxically, My Mind is Thine is a process of dissolving all thoughts and mental noise in the awe of deep silence. It opens the mind not only to the unspoken mysteries of the unseen but also awakens creativity to master the challenges of life.

I thank:
Producer Jimi Pääkallo, and the technical support from Jaakko and Matti. Sat Darshan, from whom I caught the spark of music and much much more, and Professor Surinder Singh who introduced me to an experience of the Naad. And of course, the Golden Chain of Kundalini Yoga for the guidance and blessings. And to God, who created it all, always blesses everyone, and loves everyone unconditionally.
Jivan Mukta, PhD
This is the mantra that is chanted every morning, for 1,5 hours in the Ashram Gobind Sadan founded by saint Baba Virsa Singh. In 2019 had the privilege to dive into this experience when I visited New Delhi. The repetition of this mantra invokes the intuitive faculty in people. It gives depths to navigate the subconscious and frees the body from and mind from attachments. This mantra is in honour to the greatest Yogi ever known in Kundalini Yoga, Baba Siri Chand, the son Guru Nanak.
During my visit to Yogi Bhajan's teacher's ashram, I personally connected with this story. Every morning, we participated in a group meditation that included the recitation of powerful words to remember and connect with Baba Siri Chand. The mantra used in this meditation is the Baba Mantra, "Dhan Dhan Baba Siri Chand Sahib," another gem of practice for yogis, Sikhs, and meditators alike. This group meditation was conducted every morning, lasting an hour and thirty minutes. We gathered around a strong fire, continuously fed with dry logs, and chanted together. It was a purifying and potent mantra meditation, deeply healing and connecting individuals to the energy of Shiva, bringing inner peace. Chanting the Baba Mantra empowered participants and harmonized masculine and feminine energies. It instilled a sense of grounded physical connection and helped balance masculine energy with the feminine aspect within.
Baba Siri Chand is a compassionate soul, and when you connect through your subtle self, support will be granted. This is my personal experience with him and the Baba Mantra that brings his support to those who use it—Dhan Dhan Baba Siri Chand Sahib.
The mantra Ek Ong Kar is the seed of all there is in our Universe. It means: One Universal Consciousness Creating.
Ek Ong Kar is the eternal sound of silence and the infinite diversity of Oneness. It is the axis around which all phenomena revolve. The Oneness we share is the anchor and rock of our various existences... In the past, it often required a yogi, a shaman, or a scientist TO SEE this. However, times have changed, and now it is enough TO BE HUMAN to be able to experience the root in One...
Meditate on this sound, and you will synchronise with YOUR highest frequency, sensing that you are not an isolated particle set apart from the rest. You are not alone, never have been, and never will be.
Ong Sohung raag aalapat rikh mun gur pradhana
ੳਅੰ ਸੋਹੰ ਰਾਗ ਅਲਾਪਤ ਰਿਖਿ ਸੁਨਿ ਗੁਰ ਪ੍ਰਧਾਨਾ
Guru Gobind Singh's writing (Sarbloh Granth) we are inspired to repeat this mantra in order to achieve the profound experience of Self-sovereigneity. This mantra is and ancient Hindu mantra that never runs dry. It is a source of transcendence and infinity.
I chose the ONG SOHUNG mantra to create a vibration for world peace. We really need this NOW! in our personal lives and the world at large...
This mantra is to spark the light of our innate connection with God within. People often seek advice on what it means “to find God”, especially in difficult times…
But why wait for difficult times? And which God are they talking about? If God is the source of everything and if God is everywhere, then maybe God is right there with you, right?
I have felt many times that the force of love and redemption resides in the human heart. It takes healing, consciousness, and courage to assume the responsibility to carry that energy and live by that personal experience.
Religions have confused humankind, making us believe precepts more than our own true experience of our essence. See, when you have an experience of your own soul or a glimpse of the spark of divinity within you, automatically all fundamental doubts about life dissipate!
Meditate on ONG SOHUNG! From ancient times and in the Sanskrit language, ONG SOHUNG can be understood as The Infinite Awareness of the Existence that I am.
ek ong kar sat nam siri wahe guru
A further elaboration of Ek Ong Kar that Baba Virsa Singh attributed to Baba Siri Chand, Guru Nanak and Guru Gobind Singh. Chanted in the tantric way taught by Yogi Bhajan, serves the awakening of spiritual awareness. It is an intense technique for Yogis who want to develop strong nerves and connection to the Self (Sat Nam). This spiritual Self is the only true minister of God in earth. This mantra was designed to honour to the greatness of the divine master (Siri Wahe Guru) as a guide for those who seek.
Dhan Dhan Guru Ram Dass Guru
Six parts mantra. Hail Hail the servant of Ram, master of masters. A creative personal tribute to whom adopted me in the meditative realm. This mantra is for connecting with the martial aspect of the Self. The aspect that knows there is a purpose to fulfil and fight for. It develops health of the immune system. It can trigger psycho-emotional state of meta-awareness, focus and flow of life force.
Har Hare Hari Wahe Guru
This mantra offers a way to overcoming the feelings of being stuck and the mental stagnation we sometimes experience. Har Hare Hari Wahe Guru makes our mind truly adaptable—powerful and sharp on one hand, yet gentle and kind on the other.
This mantra is said to help you move through blockages. I interpret this as the mind absorbing the Shakti qualities of "Har, Hare, Hari," which propel you to take action, make changes, and grow. Simultaneously, the mind also absorbs the Bhakti qualities, which are all about surrender, faith, and trust in a higher power, such as "Wahe Guru".
When your mind develops the skill to both lead and be led, you become super intelligent. That’s the plasticity one achieves by vibrating this mantra. Listen and chant this mantra and see how your mind begins to think anew, bringing fresh ideas and renewal into your life.
Within the Gong you find the sound of the Ong, another expression of the Cosmic syllable Om… Gong relaxation, often referred to as gong meditation or sound healing, offers a multitude of benefits for both the mind and body. The deep, resonant tones of the gong can induce a state of deep relaxation, helping to alleviate stress, anxiety, and tension. As the vibrations of the gong reverberate through the body, they can promote a sense of harmony and balance, facilitating the release of physical and emotional blockages and stress. Additionally, gong relaxation can enhance mindfulness and meditation practices, allowing individuals to achieve a deeper state of awareness and connection with themselves. Over time, regular participation in gong relaxation sessions may lead to improved sleep, enhanced creativity, and a greater overall sense of well-being.